Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tessa links

I miss my friend.

At a swing dance on Tessa's birthday, spring 2005.

If you haven't read my previous blog post already, i hope you will.


So for the past month (has it only been one month? has it *already* been a whole month?), i've been saving a bunch of open tabs (on multiple web browsers and multiple computers) with various blog posts and articles i found about Tessa. I knew i wanted to do something with all of the pieces; maybe one day i'll print them out and make a memory book, along with some of my emails and photos. For now i'm just going to compile them here.

This is primarily for myself; perhaps it's a step in dealing with the loss of my friend, and/or a gesture of moving on. And/or just building a reference so i'll have these links handy. Feel free to skip this post if you don't care. (But - i hope you do care.)

"Goodbye and God Bless (for Tessa)"
A wonderful piece written by one of her professors at UIUC (this is the post that many of us have been sending around). Absolutely worth reading.

A short piece by another professor at UIUC.

"RIP Tessa Oberg"
Jen's blog post; another nice piece which i think is worth reading (make sure to also read Rasheed's response at the bottom).

Fin in a Waste of Waters" (Tessa's blog)
She posted to this blog from July 2006 through October 2007. I'm starting at the beginning and (re)reading through it. Her last post was a beautiful piece which detailed her life as it would have been remembered by her grandchildren after she died. I once attempted this exercise of writing my own eulogy, but i never finished (and it sucked anyway). Hers is awesome.

Tessa's obituary in the Rockford Register Star

Guest Book for Tessa (only online for a few more days (until 9/16/2009)).

Partial academic bio, posted in relation to one of her scholarships.

A post i found with a photo and a link to the professor's piece i linked above.

Those are all of the links i had saved; i'll edit this post if i find more.


  1. I had found myself dedicating a playlist to her, some 15 years later. Looking to add context, I came across your blog, and your page, and it's so great to see. I don't know what it all means and how it all connects...I just feel it does. Many thanks.

  2. (PS, I had met Tessa at a week-long camp in 2000 "Leadership Quest", we became friends and exchanged letters. I happened to catch her via postal mail in 2007 and was included in The Brighton Chronicles.) Thanks for posting this stuff!!!
