Sunday, July 20, 2008

A few great films, and some other stuff

I watched "10 Things I Hate About You" again on Saturday afternoon, and found myself liking the film even *more* than i already did. For one thing, i somehow forgot or failed to realize that it's set and filmed in Seattle (my favorite city in the US). I guess it's been a long time since i've watched 10 Things all the way through, because i was amazed at how many scenes i recognized from having seen the places with my own eyes. The opening sequence with the city skyline and Mt. Rainier in the background - i've taken that classic photo myself. The paintball scene, i believe, was at Gasworks Park. Taking a boat out onto Lake Union - done that. And the best of all - the troll under the bridge (with the VW bug under his giant stone hand); Shawn & Becky took me there when i was in town last summer. Awesome.

Then Saturday night i went over to hang with some friends, and we ended up watching Batman Begins (i'm itching to see the second one but haven't made it out yet). Man. I hadn't seen it in a few years (rented it with Laurie & Shannon a few summers ago), and the impact of this viewing was just as intense as the first time around. Fucking amazing film in so many ways.

Today was Nefaur's bbq, which was good; met/caught up with various people and ate way too much food - as it should be.

So it seems that this weekend had its highlights, despite how bad Friday night was, and the mindset it placed me into. As an update on that, i eventually did manage to pack away those photo albums (along with many other key items). And in a real box this time (not just shoved into a cabinet); labeled it "Shards Of Neilam's Heart" and stowed it away.

This morning i secured my ticket to see James Blunt perform in San Francisco in August (only 2 days before the 29th, which is a delicious coincidence). Good thing i logged in the minute tickets went on sale; looks like the date sold out pretty quickly. So now i have 5 shows (and counting) to look forward to in the next two months:

7/25/2008 - Stone Temple Pilots
9/27/2008 - James Blunt
9/12/2008 - Nightwish
9/21/2008 - Children of Bodom
9/25/2008 - Bullet For My Valentine

(Latest up-to-date concert calendar can always be found on my facebook profile; let me know if you're interested in any of the shows & want to come with).

You know, i really enjoy having James Blunt in my otherwise metal-dominated concert list. It's kindof like when people find Avril Lavigne on my cd shelf. Anyway, unlike James, most of my metal shows don't sell out right away, so i haven't picked up tickets for Nightwish, Bodom, or Bullet yet. I'm thinking about making a trip up to the city to hit the box offices directly. This would save me $30-40 of handling fees, which would more than pay for gas or Caltrain, and give me the satisfaction of keeping my money away from Ticketwanker.

So in review: Yay for good films, social gatherings, and concerts. Boo for falling off the wagon and regressing emotionally back to late-2007. Last week was a bust; i'm looking to make this week at least a little better.

Oh, and one last thing - Dr. Horrible will be online for another 2 hours, so anybody who hasn't already seen Joss Whedon's bloody brilliant web musical should head over to straight away.