Friday, April 30, 2010

Runaway Train [new video]

I realize that this may be anticlimactic since i've been promising this for close to a year now, but getting here has been a winding road with unexpected twists, turns, bumps, bruises, and various other cliches. Tell ya what - song first, story after:

This is one of my all-time favorite songs; i've wanted to play it acoustic since before i even considered learning guitar. For me this is one of those tunes which never gets played out; i used to listen to it on repeat in the car (still do, actually), belting out the vocals at the top of my lungs, drumming on my steering wheel.

The intro alone can immediately trigger memories of my youth (the original intro, i mean, not the one i made up for my cover) . I'm pretty sure the first time i heard it was in the band room in high school. (SHHS band geeks, you know what i'm talking about.) The students had free reign over the stereo before/after class and while suiting up for marching band performances. I was introduced to a lot of awesome music via the band room - Rage Against The Machine, Beck, and The Crow soundtrack come to mind . The first time i heard Stone Temple Pilots' (then brand new) sophomore album was in the band room. And while i was familiar with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, i have to thank bandroom airplay and a certain sax player for helping me to recognize their awesomeness.

My initial memories of Runaway Train are a little hazy, but i remember we were getting ready for a Friday night football game; someone put the song on and the rhythm and melodies immediately caught me. I stood there at the back of the room (probably wearing half of my band uniform) just taking in the music. I think it was a defining moment for me; this was right around the time i was starting to *really* get into music, and 90s rock was one of the styles which guided my journey.


This is actually one of my first recording attempts for this song (not counting some pretty awful takes last fall). I was hoping to clean it up a little more and re-record, but my free time is a little choppy right now and i'm not sure if i have the patience to go through the same exercise i went through with Rockin' In The Free World. And this one turned out a lot better than i was expecting so i decided to just share it the way it is (mistakes and all) and move on to other stuff.

I'm hoping to be able to share videos more often than once a year now; i have a whole bunch of songs in the works, many of which are coming along nicely. Stay tuned. Oh, and as before, feedback is appreciated.