Friday, April 3, 2009

Spoiler paranoia

So i've always disliked spoilers and extraneous preview material when it comes to films or tv shows i'm looking forward to. I've had too many awesome experiences going into certain kinds of films completely cold (e.g. Matrix, Sixth Sense, Primer, Watchmen). And i've had enough viewing experiences diminished from knowing too much about what was going to happen. So over the years i've turned into "that guy" - you know, the one who exclaims "ZOMG DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING I HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET!@#$"

And now that i'm watching through Battlestar Galactica from the beginning (for the first time), i seem to have ascended to a whole new level of spoiler paranoia. I am terrified that someone will let slip that so-and-so is a Cylon, or mention something that happens later in season 2, etc. Last weekend i went to hulu to watch an episode of Friday Night Lights, but i had to kill my browser because they had the BSG finale up and i didn't even want to see the screenshot. In fact, when the BSG finale aired, i avoided several of the newsfeeds i follow for a few days out of fear of spoilers (even in just the article titles). I also avoided Twitter and kept my guard up on Facebook. Yesterday i was watching an episode of American Dad (i'm not a huge fan of the show, but i catch a few eps here and there, mostly for Patrick Stewart (he voices Stan's boss)). At one point in this episode, Steve and his friends were being pursued by an anti-nerd lynch mob; cornered, Steve suddenly said "Wait, remember your Galactica! The best way to kill a Cylon is--" Me: "NOOOOO!!!" *stops playback* That was a close one.

Oh yeah, and i really like the BSG theme song so i watch it with every episode on the DVDs, but i have to shut my eyes for the last 10 seconds when they flash through scenes from the episode. Like, what the frak?? I'm watching the episode *RIGHT NOW*; why do you have to ruin it for me?

In related news (warning, spoilers circa mid/late season 1), i am so over Miss Six; yes she's hot, but she's also mean and kindof abusive. My new Cylon crush is Sharon (the one from Caprica, not the one from the ship). *swoon* <3


  1. Yeah, we always avoided that part of the opening titles as well (aka "the percussiony part"). We don't want previews!

    And I am being very, very careful not to spoil Galactica for you. It also helps that I can't remember a lot of the nitty gritty details from earlier seasons (there's just so much going on) or what happened when, so I just don't mention it :)

  2. I've noticed that you've been careful with your BSG comments, and i really appreciate it. Btw, today i watched the followup to the Ensign Ro cliffhanger. Upon further study, i decided that i definitely wouldn't have recognized her if you hadn't mentioned.

    Also, i'm adding Adama to my list of Dudes With SuperAwesome Voices.
