Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Neilam's new music project

Over the past year, some of you may have heard me make references to a personal project, or seen cryptic status messages on Facebook about making progress or being frustrated. Maybe you asked me what i did over the weekend, and my reply was a vague "Oh i just worked on some stuff; caught up on a few things". All of those things were actually about this:

After many years of thinking/talking about it, i finally started taking guitar lessons last year. I decided to keep this project secret (except for a select few friends) until i'd proven to myself that i'm serious and sticking with it; at that point i'd post a video and surprise everyone. I am excited to report that i have reached this point. Kindof.

Sitrep: I have a handful of songs in the works (all covers), and i think this one in particular is really coming along. But i'm having trouble getting a clean recording of it. It's like as soon as the camera goes on, my voice goes out, or something else goes wrong. I've recorded over a hundred takes in the past few weeks, but none of them came out as well as i'd like. So i picked out the best take from the batch to share, because i don't want to wait any longer.

With that, here's my rough-cut/work-in-progress cover of the Neil Young classic, "Rockin' In The Free World":

(I'm pretty sure Facebook will garble the embedded video when it imports this post; if you don't see the player above, please go to my original blog post or directly to YouTube).

Feedback would be much appreciated, especially from you musicians out there. Again, this is just a rough cut. I *know* i can sing better than this, and i can see other areas to work on. I want to continue to learn and improve, so if you have any pointers, i'd love to hear them. General comments are also welcome ("You rock", "You suck", "Neil Young is going to find you and kick your ass" - toughen me up for the YouTube community).

Huge thanks to the few of you who held my secret (or figured it out and didn't say anything). Thanks, of course, to my guitar instructor. And an extra-heartfelt thanks to you, Em, for your awesome support and tips and help with quality control <3

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