Monday, May 11, 2009

Some Musings [Part 2: "Sing...sing a song"]

First a postscript to Part 1:

There is now song C in the running. I wasn't considering it before because it's by the same band as song B, and song B is my *favorite* song by that band (which gives it priority). But after spending several hours working on song C yesterday, i'm finding it to be rather compelling. It's been growing on me over the past few weeks anyway, and i'm *really* enjoying learning to play it. Especially the vocals; i've heard the song a million times before, but the lyrics never really hit me until just recently. I feel like i can sing the song and actually *mean it*. I guess we'll see how things play out.

Part 2: "Sing...sing a song"

So i'm hooked on American Idol again. It was so unintentional; i only watched the third season (which Fantasia won - uggh), and pretty much lost interest after that. But a few weeks ago i turned on the tv, waiting for Fringe to come on (such an awesome show). I was a few minutes early, so i caught the 2-minute recap of American Idol. Yawn, right? Wrong. Some of the singers in those 2 minutes were awesome enough to catch my attention. One guy was even playing piano, which completely shattered my cynical view of "Karaoke Idol". So i watched the following week's episode (disco week) and was pretty amazed by several of the numbers, and especially by Kris (the piano guy) and his low-key performance with an acoustic guitar and a few guys rounding out a nice little 4-piece.

The following week was Rat Pack themed; not my favorite, but i'd become a fan of a few of the singers by then, so it was fun to see them on stage again.

Then...Rock Week. And who was the special guest mentor? Slash. Fucking Slash. Oh hell yeah.

So i'm now officially an Adam Lambert fanboy. Such an incredible set of pipes. Awesome range & control in the high registers. And his stage presence, omg. He covered a Led Zeppelin song this week and fucking *nailed* it. As in "Hey, i didn't know Robert Plant was going to be here. Oh wait, it's *Adam*!" He'd better win this season. But even if he doesn't, record labels are going to be falling all over themselves trying to sign him, so i look forward to his debut album. I just hope he rocks it, and doesn't let the label package him up.

Segue. Am i the only dork who is excited about this new show "Glee"?

Direct link:

Maybe it's just becasue their awesome Journey cover snagged my attention (love that song). Or maybe it's just my interest in any show involving singing and/or dancing. [Sidebar: Does anyone know where i can score full episodes of Cop Rock? I'm serious. There *has* to be someone out there who taped all of the episodes (a la Lorelai Gilmore) back when it was on.] Anyway, i guess they're airing the pilot as a preview later this month, and then the show will start this fall.

Hmm, sudden urge to watch Dr. Horrible again. Come back for Part 3 - same bat time, same bat channel.


  1. Promos for Glee have been on every single American Idol, and I cannot for the life of me understand, not the premise of the show, because I think I've got that, but how someone could want to make a show about that and that they think it could succeed? I'm kinda curious about the show, but I probably won't end up watching it, simply because it won't air until school starts again in the fall. Seriously though, who walked up to a producer and said, hey, I've got this great idea. I want to make a show about a high school glee club, isn't that great?

    And Lambert will win, officially or not. :-)

  2. I'm guessing they think the target audience of Glee consists of (a) people who enjoy slapstick and stupid-style comedy, and (b) dorks like me. It probably won't last long, but i'm still looking forward to it. I hope the pilot doesn't suck (and by that i mean i hope it really does contain singing).

    In general, Fox has aired so many crappy shows, that no show premise can surprise me. Seriously, i thought this was real when i first saw it:

  3. *laughs* You're not alone. I think we *all* thought that was a real show when that commercial began airing.

    I find the promos for Glee entertaining every time they're on (which is a lot); I just don't know how Fox intends to keep it on the air. They seem really shortsighted with a lot of shows they come up with, you're right.

  4. I watched the piolet for Glee and LOVED I would watch the show, though I probably won't, because I get busy and don't end up watching TV. But I liked seeing how a music teacher has to deal with things in the school, from other teachers, to corralling kids, etc. It spoke to me. But, I'm a geeky music
