Thursday, October 22, 2009

Butterfly in the sky...

My unfinished drafts are piling up again; it's triage time. A few are more or less done so i'm just going to post them one after another. A few others will probably get filed in my private journal. Two half-written concert writeups still need work, so those can stay in the queue. Stand by for a flurry of posts; then maybe i can start writing about what's on my mind today.

If you're reading this on Facebook, feel free to check out for the original, up-to-the-minute posts.

Hmm, it feels weird to post this without any real content. Lemme check my recent youtube favorites for something fun to share; stand by...

Oooh, i've got one - oh HELL yeah. So one of my favorite childhood tv shows was Reading Rainbow. I'm struggling to describe its awesomeness in words. If you're a fellow bookworm child of the 80s, you probably know what i'm talking about. If not, then you missed out. (Is the show still on? I remember seeing an episode in the late-90s, but it just wasn't the same because LeVar Burton was looking all hip and cool - no more 80s fro). Ok, i just looked it up - turns out the show ended in 2006. Sadface.)

Anyway, there was one particular episode which highlighted the importance of teamwork. They even had an awesome song, which i recorded in the usual 80s child manner - by holding a tape recorder up to the tv. I never forgot that song; to this day it'll still randomly pop into my head once in a great while and make me hum the melody and sing the few lines i can remember. And visualizing the video, especially the part where they're all firefighters and use *teamwork* to put up a ladder.

Finally (earlier this year) it dawned on me that someone's probably put it on youtube. I did a search and FOUND IT and watched it with glee. Heehee!

Are you ready? Time for TEAMWORK!

WOOOOOOO! Say what you wish about the neon tights, the 80s hair, the music production - this video is 100% awesome and makes me happy. TEAMWORK! TEAMWORK!

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