Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Letters, bagel shop, guitar

[Ok, i'm concatenating my three remaining drafts into a final catchup post. Yay!]


I was reading a blog today in which the author mentioned finding a letter she'd written five years ago to her future self and being pleasantly surprised that she'd accomplished most of the goals which PastHerself has outlined. I'm thinking about writing a letter to my own future self. Although in a way my private journal and my blog are already a series of letters to that dude because i do go back and read this stuff periodically. Sometimes i'll dig through old writeups looking for something specific or trying to place the timeframe of a given event. Other times something will trigger a memory and make me feel like revisiting some stuff. I've always been rather nostalgic, and i tend to maintain strong ties to my past. Like Joey's professor once said: "It never hurts to remain on a first-name basis with the person you used to be; otherwise he or she may come back to haunt you when you least expect it." (Dawson's Creek, ep 5.12).

But on the other hand, a letter specifically written to my future self would likely have a different tone. More of a systematic state of the union, similar to the year-in-review i write every January. Outline what's good and what sucks, list out short-term items that i plan to fix, long-term items i hope to get to eventually. Something to think about.

And now for something completely different: My team has a communal gumball machine at work which we keep filled with M&Ms (usually peanut, sometimes dark chocolate, depending on who refilled it last). Yesterday (while i was out of the office) my coworkers apparantly had an extensive debate regarding whether or not i'd freak out if they filled it with Reese's Pieces instead of M&Ms. I have no idea why they'd think that; Reese's are awesome. Actually, it's probably because i vehemently opposed when our project manager mixed in these NARSTY pomegranite chocolates with the M&Ms once. I mean bloody hell, you might as well throw some rasins into the mix while you're at it. Anyway, i set them all straight today. Chocolate == good. Chocolate + peanut butter == better.


I heart my bagel shop.

It's a little family-run place and they only have one credit card reader. During the lunch rush they open up a second register for cash only, which seems to work well enough. If you're paying with cash, you get to line jump to the second register; otherwise you just wait your turn.

They're starting to recognize me since i go there so often. There was only one person in front of me when i was there on Tuesday, but the lady who owns the place came up to the second register to take my order. I held up my credit card to let her know i didn't have cash, but she just smiled and motioned me over anyway. Cool! So lets see, that's points for taking care of their regulars + points for going out of their way even though there was only one person before me + bonus points for making me feel cool by violating the "Cash Only" sign.

Then today, one of the afformentioned hotties did the exact same thing for me! Only one other person in line, but she still cared enough to save 30 seconds of my time. The owner lady was at the other register; as the HotGirl (jeez, i really need to learn their names; it would help if they wore name tags) went to swipe my card, owner-lady half-jokingly said "Hey, you're not supposed to take cards there!" HotGirl replied "But i *like* him!" Aww. I added my two cents: "Hey, don't listen to her - *she* took my credit card at this register yesterday!" Owner-lady grinned, "I don't remember that!" HotGirl: "Yeah, she'd *never* take a credit card over here!" Smiles all around.

It's amazing how a little thing like this can totally make my day.


After a few weeks of focused practice, i'm pleased to report that my guitarwork is back on track. For now, at least; the challenge lies in keeping it going.

My biggest problem is that i don't play well when i'm not feeling it. I've been trying to force myself to practice anyway in those cases - at least drill chord changes and fundamentals. The first thing my guitar instructor told me was that 10 minutes of practice per day is vastly superior to 2 hours once a week. And that has absolutely been the case with me; the results of nightly practice have been stunning.

So anyway, i'm back in the zone but i've unfortunately become jaded with the song i had planned for my next cover video. Which means there's no point in continuing with recording attempts because i can't sing a song unless i *mean it*; otherwise my vocals sound flat and hollow (hopefully this will change once i start vocal training but for now i'm fueled mostly by emotion). So i'm setting that song aside for now and working up a few others in its place. Maybe one of those will be the next to hit youtube; either that or enough time will pass & i'll once again become un-disillusioned with the first song. Either way, it'll be a while longer. Sorry; you guys might as well start calling me Axl. Tell you what - if i don't have a new video posted by the end of the year, i'll buy each of you a Dr. Pepper. Or a beer.**

** Must be collected in person. Void where prohibited, brew may vary.

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